How many of you know someone born on this month?

So today I would like to say Happy Birthday to you all that were born on this month. You are so blessed that you get to celebrate the day you were born and as well as another big celebration around the world due to this Festive Season! 

What a day! First of, this is not a usual Blogmas that you may be use to from me for that record. But thought that there are people in the world that do spend time this December to celebrate their birthday.

Forever New

We took a little trip just out of our town today to celebrate my friend's Birthday. We had lunch at the Pavilion Beach Front which is located within Waterfront Restaurant at Maroubra Beach. It was so peaceful and tranquil as it was overlooking the beach.

This morning of Alicia's birthday, we were all together in one car and spent time catching up. But little did we know that we would be late due to traffic congestion. Luckily, everyone else met at the restaurant and were running late as well. So we ordered pretty much at the same time. The service from the crew were lovely to meet and menu was terrific. There are so many healthy choices to choose from and comes in big serving, totally worth the splurge! It was a great opportunity to get to see everyone again and meeting new people before heading out to the beach for a swim. It was such a lovely morning filled with love and cake. Could you ask for anything more on your special day?

After this lovely day, I’ve made a decision to take time out like this every so often, even if there is no occasion to celebrate because it was just what I needed. Now that 2016 is coming to an end, It’s good to have time away and recharge in a different setting, and doing it with people you love and cake is always the best way! I hope that you enjoyed this post and remember to spend time with people who you've known for a long time as well as meeting new people to get to know.


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Much love,

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