What to do and wear when...

Hi guys, welcome back and thank you for reading. Today is all about how I'm saying goodbye to Summer and moving on... herrrooooo Autumn!!! So welcome, welcome, welcome!!! 

Wearing: Hat (similar) | Sunglasses (similar) | Top | Swimwear | Thongs

In this post, you’ll find my rainy day outfit that I imagined for a sunny day at the beach. So what to do when you plan a day out at the beach?
Well, I wasn't mentally prepared for the crazy weather so this could possibly definitely maybe will be sure to inspire your look the next time you wake up to a rainy day forecast. Bleh! Because last week believe it or not was a hot day and I don't know if this is normal for Autumn.

So if you guys are from Sydney, let me know is this normal? Because the last few weeks the weather has been crazy as in back and forth. Help me understand ya'll!

Hopefully, you’ll be ready to go and somewhat be inspired for the next time it rains wherever you are! Otherwise be creative and wear what you want to wear, that way you are comfy. Comfy is key, right?! Oh now that it's cooling down you know what that means...and yes, its almost sweater weather. I can't wait! What are your go-to-outfits for Autumn/Fall? Do let me know, would love to read your thoughts.

As always, thanks for stopping by and have a fabulous weekend!

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