The Army Jacket

Hellooooo and good evening everybody! Hope you are ready to tackle this week and it shall be great! I’ve got so much energy at the moment, that I am buzzing. It could possibly that I haven’t slept that much, haha! You know when you hang out with people that gives you lots of energy from the weekend, it stays with you. That's What I Like!

Here’s my look, I am wearing a denim army jacket, shoes and a cool distressed track pants with my favourite 'selfie' beanie. Weird fact for you all, I found this jacket from the guy's section and I couldn't leave the shops without it. So yeah! I like it a lot because I haven't seen anything quite like it. I decided to combine the two with this super cute tee and track pants. This outfit seems to work perfectly despite the crazy weather lately!

 Wearing: Beanie | Tee (Similar) | Jacket (Similar) | Track Pants (Similar) | Shoes (Similar)

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