A Bittersweet Summer

A look from earlier this week! A beautiful day when the sun was shining bright and it really felt like Summer again. Although it's Autumn already. As the Summer breeze start to transition to a crisp cool days ahead. Sounds exciting as the 40 degree c has been too hot to handle and quite excited for the cooler months to come. That means... warm drinks and comfort food, movies-watching-kinda-day and a relaxing bath. Ohhh yeah a perfect Friday Bliss!


But yeah so here's what really happened this week and yes my sunhat 'do not disturb' seems to be stuck on my head since I wear it so much, but it's so cute!!! So why not, especially on this warm Autumn Day, right? I'm sure you'll do the same. Unless of course, you like to sun-bake under the sun. But not today, I lathered myself with my favourite 50+ Sunscreen and yes I didn't forget to Slip, slop and slap are essentials here in Sydney, your skin will thank you! 

 'DO NOT DISTURB' | SUN HAT ( currently sold out)
I've been loving moments of solitude to think and breathe fresh air and wanted to share this look to you all. Because like... I know that you are just melting to find out haha. See what I did there! WOop woOp! I opted for a comfortable yet stylish outfit to walk alongside the shore casually.

IT'S FINALLY FRIDAY YA'LL. I just came back from work and so excited to start new things for next week. It feels so good that it’s Friday haha. You with me? So lately, I've been tired and feeling so poorly so I've had the pleasure to catch up on some Zzz's this morning! I know, so this is what I like to do when you have been having a hard time waking up and constantly snoozing and I am guilty of that. Anywho, How are you all today? 


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Usually my Friday’s consist of two things and that is hanging on the couch with lots of food and sweets. I Hope you all have a great weekend ahead! :-)

Anyway, now it’s time for the weekend to begin and off to hang out and chill! I hope you will too.

Enjoy your Friday babes. Later!

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