Oh, all the Christmas feels!!! Who's with me?!

The greatest thing of all about Christmas is lounging around in your pyjamas with your family for most of the day. Although giving presents, eating festive food or chocolate in general would be an ideal way of living during this festive season. Am I right? So my thoughts were, it would even be better to wear the most comfortable Christmas pyjamas I have.

I am a big Christmas pyjamas fan so every year I normally buy a new pair (or two..) so that I can be festive when I come home in the evenings after a long day from work.

I cannot wait, until tomorrow for my family and cousins to arrive for Christmas Dinner. Just to keep it exciting we will be playing games and watch movies at night. Then stay up late until Christmas Day! Usually will be asleep by 12am as we are very eager for Christmas morning. How many of you feel the same. Stay tune tomorrow for my Christmas Eve Dinner and find out what us hooligans get up to. What do you get up to on Christmas Eve? Have you got any traditions? I would love to know!

It's not that long now until Christmas and the ending of thatLenie blog post. Merry Chistmas! Thank you for reading, hope you are all well this evening and have a lovely Christmas! If you have any post suggestions at all comment below.

Much love,

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