Hi all, how is everyone going with their Christmas Festivities? Has anyone finish purchasing their Christmas shopping for their family and friends? Good on you if you have, well done! Now you can breathe and relax while Christmas is creeping up. Well, for some of us who haven't... Just like me who still have a list of names to mark off I literally have a few days to do my last minute shopping  this week. Which I plan to do tomorrow night, and so thankful that the shops open till late. So I have time. Right?! ;-)

So, instead of staying at home. I decided to visit to share how I unwind when I am stuck in a rut or simply adjusting and focusing on what I want to achieve next year. I am a big fan of planning, bullet points and keeping notes to unleash my ideas and where to travel next. Oh the... simple joys!!!

I hope this will inspire you to stop and re-focus especially if you have been distressed or distracted. Just remember to have more me time and cherished the people you love by enjoying their company daily. This is your day to start again! 
Today's the day :-)


In the Summer season here in Australia. There are so many things to do during this Festive Season. Going to the beach is something that I always opt for.  I know for a fact mostly everyone that I know can find something for themselves at the beach. Young people like to hang out at the beach with their mates where they can chill and listen to loud music, and where they can meet others, who come to have fun. While the others long for relaxation, a quick escape where they can easily unwind, read a book and enjoy the beach in peace. Are you one of this people in the Summer time? Let me know what you do and where's a good place to be this Summer? 

I'd love to know! 

Be Merry & Bright this Summer! 
Happy Holidays Everyone!!!
Much love, 

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